WordPress is a full-fledged CMS, you can increase in its functionality by adding a piece of software called a “plugin”. Every blogger must know how to install the WordPress plugin.

There are three different ways to install a plugin:

  1. Search and install through WordPress Dashboard
  2. Upload and install through WP Admin Area
  3. Using FTP

Search and install WordPress Plugin using wp admin area

Login to your website admin area from www.example.com/wp-admin, see the left sidebar click on Plugins link. You will see a screen where all installed or active plugins will show up. Click Add New button, this new screen will have filter tabs, showing plugins from WordPress Official Plugins, a bunch of other websites also provide premium plugins like wpmudev , let’s install font awesome plugin

Click install button to install the plugin and once installed click the activate button.

Like I have installed font awesome plugins, the thing to see is the author of the plugin, cause there can be many plugins for the same function by different authors.

Upload and Install

Again this process is slightly different from the first one, after clicking the buttonAdd New, you will see a new screen with tab filters and an upload button  along page heading like in snaps below, click that and click choose file and pick a zip file of the plugin downloaded on localdisk, on succesful selection click install.

Once installed you will see the below screen and click activate

Install WordPress Plugins

Install WordPress Plugins guide

Done here, Now you can add new custom post types with this plugin

Through FTP

FTP is an abbreviation of file transfer protocol. You can use free software like Filezilla or WinScp , download them according to your operating system, Here I am using filezilla, and i can connect with this to my server or CPanel shared hosting using ftp account username and password and port 22 is generally used to transfer files on shared servers as in screenshot below

Once connected see in right pane, navigate to public_html\wp-content\plugins\. Here you need to copy plugin folder ( No need to select zip file) from left pane or you local drive and drag it to right pane, once completed this plugin is not installed on your website, we have one more step ahead

Install WordPress Plugins

Install WordPress Plugins

Install WordPress Plugins

The last step is go to wp-admin area, go to plugins and activate this specific plugin

You have successfully installed and activated this new plugin. If you find any difficulty while following any method, just mention your issue in comments I will be helping you in few clock ticks.

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