Since you are starting to develop your next blog on WordPress and going to install a theme on your WordPress website, you may have heard about free WordPress themes or Plugin. In this beginner guide, we will guide you all the three steps to installing a WordPress theme.

Pre-installations of a WordPress theme

You must know that installing WordPress theme, all the look and feel of you website will change but not the data or content on your website. Each theme has different styles to present the website content. We feel you may want to have a look on these websites for choosing a better theme Themeforest, Elegant, Themify. All are best theme providers but may be there are mostly premium, for free themes the best place is WordPress’s own official repository, WordPress Free Themes Official Repo

Installing by WordPress Admin Theme Search

Just login to WordPress Admin area, from left sidebar of admin dashboard goto Appearance > Themes here you will see some themes that are already part of your WordPress website, to install new theme move to search bar and click the Add New button

 Install a theme on WordPress

 Install a theme on WordPress

Now you have a new screen with few tabs, popular , featured tabs filter through this i am searching for sydeny theme, its a perfect portfolio theme, just mouse over Sydney theme, it has 200,000 active install, click on install button it will take some time until activate button appears

 Install a theme on WordPress
Hit this button and boom you have a new theme on your website, enjoy the new look.

Installing by Upload Button on WordPress Admin area

We have covered one step, but we must know behind the scene, once we install WordPress theme from Add New button, the installtion time is taken by system to copy the new theme from WordPress repository to our website drive, so if you have theme files download on your system or bought it from a Premium Source, just uncompress or unzip the files and find the accurate zip file of theme somewhere inside the parent unzipped folder, goto Appearance > Themes hit Add New

 Install a theme on WordPress
Now you will see a button hitting that button will open a file browser,head straight drive containing theme’s zip file location and select the zipped theme click open button in file uploader window, succesful selection will be like below

Now hit installation button, it will take some time to copy files to website drive in wp-cotent\themes folder and yest its installed just hit activate button now and feel accomplished with new look.

Install theme through FTP

Now if you website is hosted on a webserver and you have zipped theme folder with you or if you wonder what is web hosting,dont forget to see this one WordPress Hostings, but if you have one hosted, now you need to use a tool called FileZilla or WinSCP. Download any of these free tool to copy files over your websever.Make a succesful connection to server using filezilla as below, when connected you will see a directory listing in right pane of filezilla, go inside public_html, here your will see a wp-content folder , now follow this path public_html\wp-content\themes\ and copy your theme folder inside right pane, from your local system like following steps

Boom, now goback to WordPress Admin are under Appearnece > Themes, You will see Sydney theme and just activate it.

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