What is the “Ninja Forms” plugin?

Ninja Form is a free plugin that enables you to build a form without any coding experience. It’s known as a user-friendly and customizable plugin. It has a lot of options for the customization of the form. It has different key features that apply to this form like sending mail, displaying options, restrictions, calculations, record submission, google Recaptcha, etc

How to install plugins in WordPress?

Go to admin dashboard > Mouse hover on the plugin menu item at the left sidebar > Select add a new plugin in the sub menu, then you can search, install, and activate the plugin here.

Here you can see a better way to install plugins in WordPress.

Create Contact Forms with Ninja Forms :

Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard and locate the ‘Ninja Forms’ menu on the left-hand side. Click on ‘Add New’ to start creating and customizing a new form for your site.

Choosing the Right Template for Your Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms offers built-in templates allowing you to create forms tailored to your needs quickly. Ninja Forms provides the following templates:

  • Blank Form
  • Collect feedback
  • Contact Us
  • Delete Data Request
  • Event Registration
  • Export Data Request
  • General Enquiry
  • Job Application
  • Questionnaire
  • Quote Request

Here, we can choose a Black Form template to create a general form, add fields in the Blank Form template, and customize these fields.

Add Form Fields:

After selecting a template, you’ll be taken to the editor screen where you can customize your form by adding, selecting, and dragging & dropping fields. A green line will appear on the editor to indicate where you can place the field.

Edit Form Fields:

All fields have settings to edit the field’s label, requirement option, etc. Click on the gear icon showing on the fields at hover it. Now you can change the label, required field, default value, placeholder, etc

Delete Form Fields:

If you no longer need a field or selected it by mistake, you can delete it in the Ninja Forms editor. Hover over the field to reveal a gear icon. Hover over the gear icon to see a delete icon. Click the delete icon to remove the field.

Email and Action

Click on the Email & Actions tabs to view the core actions provided by the Ninja Forms plugin.

Send Email (admin and user) :

Clicking the email button will add an email section to the left screen and display email options on the right. You can send an email to the admin or user that will fill form. You need to add this line in “To” section of email options.

  1. For sending admin: {wp:admin_email}
  2. For sending user: use the form email field

You can attach files when sending an email.

You can select user email from the field and select it. Here you can multiple values related to forms, WordPress, etc

Success Message :

Click the success message button to paste your message, which will be displayed after form submission.

Redirect :

Paste the URL of your desired redirect page here. This could be a thank you page, another page on your site, or an external website. You will be taken there after form submission.

Record Submission :

Ninja Forms provides functionality to store form data in the admin dashboard of your site. Click on the Record Submission button, you can see the setting of record submission. Here you can set a setting for saving all fields or limited fields. If you want to learn more details, you can find them here.

Advanced Tab

Under the advanced tab, three options are available in the Ninja Forms core.

  • Display Settings
  • Restrictions
  • Calculations

Display Settings :

Click on the Display Settings button and see further options related to it at the right side.

  • FORM TITLE: A descriptive title has been assigned to the form that accurately describes its content.
  • DISPLAY FORM TITLE: This setting controls whether the title is displayed or hidden on the screen where the form appears.
  • Clear successfully completed form: This setting controls whether the form data will retained or not after submission on the screen.
  • Hide successfully completed form: This setting controls the form will disappear or not after submission.

Further options are shown after that you can set the position of the label, heading level, and some custom labels.

Restrictions :

Here, you can restrict fields in the form to ensure data uniqueness and set custom error messages for any restrictions. Additionally, you can control whether the form is visible to logged-in users and set limitations on form submissions.

Calculations :

The calculation-setting is used to calculate the numbers/values that are assigned to the fields and show them on the screen to the user interface. Here I used a number field as input and radio buttons that have some values. When I click on the radio button and paste the number in the input field, the count number is shown on the screen. You can find more information about the calculation feature here.

Google Recaptcha

Ninja form supports Google Recaptcha versions 2 and 3. You can add your site and secret keys in the settings screen of the Ninja Forms plugin. You can follow this article to learn more about how to add google Recaptcha in Ninja Forms.

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